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Lao Cai tourism is now gradually becoming popular not only with the poetic foggy town of Sapa but also many other attractive tourist destinations waiting for you to discover such as Y Ty, Bach Moc Luong Tu peak, Tien Sa waterfall, Thuong temple,…

Y Ty Phat attracts backpackers to hunt clouds, admire the peaceful scenery along with the beautiful terraced rice fields in the ripe rice season. Let’s explore Y Ty – a very hot place to hunt clouds in Lao Cai!

 Where is Y Ty, Sapa?

Located at an altitude of over 2000m above sea level, Y Ty is a highland commune of commune 135, Bat Xat district. Y Ty Bat Xat has a cool climate all year round, but it is especially harsh in winter. The temperature here sometimes drops below 0 degrees Celsius, chosen by young people as a unique place to hunt for snow and clouds.

Y Ty is also the only place where Nhi Ha ethnic people live. With a unique cultural identity, Den Sang primeval forest – a place likened to a “hanging forest” on high mountains, Y Ty Lao Cai attracts domestic and foreign backpackers, especially young people who love to explore breaking and conquering challenging and adventurous roads and passes.

Du lịch Y Tý Lào Cai mùa nào thích hợp nhất ?

Y Ty is beautiful and charming in its own way at each time of the year. Normally, there will be 2 times when young people choose to visit this land, which is the time:

– From the end of August to the middle of September: at this time, Y TY wears the yellow shirt of the rice fields in the harvest season. Y Ty in the ripe rice season is listed in the list of the most beautiful places to “hunt ripe rice” in the Northwest.

Y Ty in the ripe rice season

– From September to April next year: is an extremely suitable time to hunt clouds of Y Ty because the majestic space is like you are standing on 9 clouds. At this time, the temperature in Y Ty Bat Xat Lao Cai can be very cold, so you should also pay attention to prepare enough clothes to avoid the cold when hunting clouds at this place.

– Besides, you can also explore Y Ty in the water season from May to June every year.

Experience moving to Y Ty

There are many roads and means of transportation to Y Ty with the journey from Hanoi to Y Ty.

– Means of transportation: you can go to Y Ty by car, personal vehicle or sleeper car. However, to ensure the safest and most convenient, you should move to Lao Cai by train or sleeper car and then rent a motorbike to comfortably travel Y Ty.

– Travel route: there are 2 travel routes for you to choose from: Lao Cai – Bat Xat – Trinh Tuong – Lung Po – A Mu Sung – A Lu – Ngai Thau – Y Ty or Lao Cai – Sapa – Muong Hum – Den Sang – Y Ty. According to Y Ty backpacking experience, you should choose the route to move from Lao Cai to Bat Xat because the road from Sapa is quite a lot of crushed stone.

Attractive tourist attractions in Y Ty

Landmark 92 – Lung Po junction

Lung Po junction is where the Nguyen Giang River in China meets the Lung Po River in Vietnam. This is where the landmark 92 is located, including 3 landmarks that are 92(1), 92(2), 92(3) marking the border between China and Vietnam.

A Lù 

When they want to talk about the hardships of going through A Lu, people in Bat Xat often say “Doc A Lu – fog of Y Ty”. As a commune located on the Vietnam-China border, along the Lung Po River, in Bat Xat, Lao Cai, A Lu districts as well as many other highland communes, the terrain is strongly divided by high and lower mountain ranges. In the direction of Southeast to Northwest, traffic is not convenient.

However, A Lu has a majestic and generous natural beauty in it. In the rice season, A Lu looks like a painting from above, with the bright yellow color of rice, adding the winding features of the rivers.

Ngải Thầu

This is one of the beautiful places to hunt Y Ty rattan. Because perhaps the road from A Lu to Ngai Thau is one of the most beautiful roads in the Y Ty journey, especially in the ripe rice season.

The Valley of the Pa

Belonging to Y Ty commune, with thousands of winding terraced fields, stretching more than 5 km from Choon Then to Thien Sinh bridge, The Pa valley is a recognized national monument.

Y Ty market

Usually held on every Saturday, Y Ty market has a lot of vegetables, household items, garments, etc., made by local people. This is not only a place to exchange goods, but also a place where boys and girls wear beautiful costumes.

Y Ty cat mushrooms

This market is also famous for fresh vegetables and fruits grown by the people themselves and brought to trade at the market

In addition, when traveling to Y Ty, you can also explore other tourist attractions such as Lao Chai village, Hong Ngai village, Thien Sinh bridge, Lao Than, Phan Can Su village or participate in the Muong Hum market. out every Sunday morning.

Notes when traveling to Y Ty Lao Cai


– Along the way, you will encounter some border guard stations, because Y Ty is a border commune. Therefore, you should go to Y Ty border station to declare temporary residence for 2-3 days.

– The weather in Y Ty will be a bit cold even in the summer, so you need to prepare a full set of warm clothes, hats and towels when traveling in Y Ty.

– According to Y Ty backpacking experience, the best place to take pictures and hunt clouds is the road running up to the high mountain from Y Ty running back to Ngai Thau for nearly 5 km. From this road onwards, watching the clouds will be very beautiful, when you reach the end of the slope, you continue to climb the nearby hill to see the sea of clouds on the other side of the mountain.

– You should also prepare food and water to be able to experience cloud hunting and enjoy Y Ty scenery in the most perfect way.

Y Ty not only brings you the peaceful feeling of mountain life, majestic scenery with the smell of mountains and forests, the smell of rice in season, but also gives you wonderful experiences when hunting clouds, harmonizing with nature. I entered space as if I was standing in the middle of 9 clouds.

Hopefully, the information that marcopoloasia shares about Y Ty backpacking, a unique cloud hunting destination, will help your journey.